Thursday, July 21, 2011

End of the Break.

Since my semester break started almost 1 month back, I haven't really experience the warmth of my family. But towards the end of my semester break, I finally feel it. Decided to wake up super early in the morning. At first, I was quite reluctant as I've been sleeping until afternoon all the while since my semester break started. Something told me that I should, and so I did. So my whole family started off by waking up to send my sister to college. Next, the 3 of us head back to our old house to send my car for a service. It's been a while since I serviced the car, so even the guy at the workshop shook his head when he started the engine.

Headed to a park nearby Bukit Jalil for a morning walk. I decided to tag along since my stamina sucks shit. Let me digress away from this, I realised this only the other day when I got probably the last placing in the JogForHope run. And mind you, it's ONLY a 6km run. It was really embarrasing and I wouldn't want to repeat that again. As expected, I punctured during the morning walk at Bukit Jalil and my dad was laughing at me all the way. It was at this moment that I felt the warmth of the family. 

A lot of things were running through my mind, and the thing that really struck me was probably because I don't really meet up with them as much as I should. It was also at this moment I had the thought, I should spend more time with my family because they're the one's who're closest to us. They're the one's that will help us whenever we're in need of any help. I still remember at that very young age, the desire to tag along my friends wherever they go. Now, all I want is to stay at home most of the time. Seriously, nothing beats the comfort at home.

So after the morning walk, I decided to take a nap, but it was more of a sleep, rather than a nap. Don't blame me, it was still my normal sleeping time. 

All in all, the thing that I treasured a lot today was family love. Because it's really hard to go on in life without that. 

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